as mentioned in the previous post, we took some pics in the arlanda airport bfore below are some of the pics we took while ming jia n sharon are deep asleep..they gt up early n went out to take pics while we (chee mun, siaw vun n i) were fast asleep..
note: we were takin all these pics in the middle of the nite..wif no one ard..except few police patrollin ard..n they witness siaw vun checkin me in..kekekeke..
after the photo session we went to sleep as mentioned..n was halau by the cafe staff at ard 5am..actualli not halau la..the lady damn good..she jus told us politely tat we cant sleep there..not to mention she damn pretty too..kekeke..then we waited for ming jia n sharon from their photo taking session outside bfore goin to the huge n clean toilet..we then head to the other terminal..for our long waited breakkie!!guess wat we had..
after the photo session we went to sleep as mentioned..n was halau by the cafe staff at ard 5am..actualli not halau la..the lady damn good..she jus told us politely tat we cant sleep there..not to mention she damn pretty too..kekeke..then we waited for ming jia n sharon from their photo taking session outside bfore goin to the huge n clean toilet..we then head to the other terminal..for our long waited breakkie!!guess wat we had..
after breakkie, the rest continue picture taking..n as for me, i dozed off..when i wake up, everyone was looking at me..haf a feelin they waited for me to wake up n so din wake me up..kekeke..kinda guilty..but thankful..(in the end i still sleep in the departure hall to kiruna..kekeke..)..then we went to the toilet (again..hehe..the toilet is so comfy..n i think i slept in there too..kekeke..forgot..but we definitely went there a lot of times..) next, we went outdoors..n took some pics wif the snow n all..we had a little snow fight too..n i was the victim (always..) since i was wearin all black n it they love to attack me..well at least tat was true on Day 2..cos in Kiruna n later on, the most frequently kena attack person is MUN-key..n the runner-up is Prawn!!hehehe..
after tat, we went into the airport n prepare to fly!!n so, we reached kiruna..on a bright n sunny thursday!!
took some of the wonderful views along the way to yellow house..
n so, we reached yellow house..since our cant-finish-her-essay-in-time miss shin jeng wasnt here, we haf to spilt into two n siaw vun in one, the penang group in one (although ming jia is from JOHOR) first we were supposed to pay for shin jeng's share one since no cancellation is allowed..but luckily a group who arrived slightly later than us needed an extra bed since one of their fren wanted to join at last minute..n so, shin jeng's place was given to them..n due to this n lots of stuff, we had a fund for the trip..which was later used to buy pizzas..
me n siaw vun slept in room 2 together wif two guys from the other guy is from spore n another is from iceland..both doing their masters i believe..then the trio stayed in room 1 which looked like the master was directly below our rooms..n it was shared wif the rest..with the bathroom at another block, we had to travel to bath each time we wan to..n cos all of us were dead tired each day n it was freakin cold outside, we din bath at all when we were in kiruna..dirty, i u shud noe how heavenly it was when we reached stockholm's hostel..although there wasnt any proper door for the showers..sigh..i still like my home's shower..
me n siaw vun slept in room 2 together wif two guys from the other guy is from spore n another is from iceland..both doing their masters i believe..then the trio stayed in room 1 which looked like the master was directly below our rooms..n it was shared wif the rest..with the bathroom at another block, we had to travel to bath each time we wan to..n cos all of us were dead tired each day n it was freakin cold outside, we din bath at all when we were in kiruna..dirty, i u shud noe how heavenly it was when we reached stockholm's hostel..although there wasnt any proper door for the showers..sigh..i still like my home's shower..
after few minutes of rest, we were off to the forest..the guy from the tour who i believe is the boss came n pick us up..n so, our first day of adventure begins..we had a ride in dog sledge n saw aurora borealis..before all tat, we had to put on tons of ugly protect us from the cold..i had my black suit on plus the thick clothing provided n i was still freezing..the reason : it was - 37 tat nite..wif the wind blowin from the dog sledge somemore, my eyes were frozen..when i said frozen i meant frozen..there were ice n snow (aka snice) forming on my eye lashes..n i had to wipe them off bfore i could took ages for me to wear those neno clothing..not to mention taking them off..the guy was damn kind..he sort of help me wear my clothes..n then sth very memalukan happen..cos i was wearin too much clothes, it was kinda tough to zip up the ski pants tat i borrow from agnes..hence, i did not zip them..can barely breathe if i do so..n when the guy was helpin me wearing the thick blue suit, he noticed it..then he was like
..then he said sth..tat makes me wana
..he said : u dun expect me to help u do everything do u..the rest of them were laughin non stop..luckily the changin room onli five of us..o else i realli need to dig a hole n hide my head..sigh..damn paiseh..lesson of the day : zip up ur pants even though u cant breathe..

four of us wif one of the tour guides..he is preparing tea n coffee for our mini break..n it was snow tat was on the floor tat was our water..not very clean since we all walked on it but no other choice..i cant even identify who is haf a great time guessin who is who..
after the tour, we were chauffeured back to yellow house..then we ordered pizza with our tour fund..with a total more than 200SEK..cos they haf free delivery.."ren shuan bu ru tian shuan", the driver went home few minutes we called..n so, we had to go n collect them ourselves..plan to go together but then, we saw the neno receptionist ard in his designated place (he was always not ard..n wont let u haf breakie at his place if u tell him after 4pm..o even when u tell him exactly at 4pm, he oso dun let u haf breakie..) it was so damn mafan to get him ad..n he was entertainin a few guests..when we told him we wan breakkie on the day after tmr, he told us to wait..n wif the pizza shop closing soon, we decided to break to two groups..the trio went to collect our pizza n me n siaw vun stayed bhind n order our breakkie..
after dinner (to me it was dinner others might b supper), we went out to take some pics bfore sleepin since we need to b ready by 8.30am the next day for the snow mobile tour..
next post : Sweden Trip Day 3 (23/02/07)..will b updatin soon..tmr, perhaps??
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