read bout this from Acrelaine's blog..damn nice..sort of get u think a bit..nv to take things for granted cos u nv noe wat will happen next..u always nv noe..
been having similar dreams since's roughly same as bfore jus tat last time i get up, i get up crying..sigh..anyone got remedy to get rid of those tots so i can concentrate on my research project??
anyway, my money in the bank is goin to drop 65% after this wif tat limited amount left, i need to feed myself till june, pay for birbeck, pay for my trip to germany, pay for ppl's bday, pay for the shipment of my things, pay for graduation, pay for bank processing for mum n sis's food n travel etc fare in june..tat lil 35% needs to last me till the very least..sigh..
so wat shud i do now??be an entrepreneur n starts sellin chili sauce??kekeke..nah..
..i'll jus continue to work hard as a sloth ba..n wait for money to drop from sky..kekeke..
ps: i think everyone shud go to the link above to read..but if u recently lost someone dear to u n still had not move on, n is currently emotionally unbalance, or had weak heart, dun go read..spare ur heart..
conclusion: treasure the ppl ard u..n dun take them for granted..sigh, wont it b wonderful if the uni pay class reps for their jobs??kekeke..but then if tat was the case i think i will b out of job..btw, if u haf a ticket wif msl, pls read the emails i fwd ard..thanks..
oh ya..n the title got nothing to do wif the post..onli the one who needs to understand will understand..
been having similar dreams since's roughly same as bfore jus tat last time i get up, i get up crying..sigh..anyone got remedy to get rid of those tots so i can concentrate on my research project??
anyway, my money in the bank is goin to drop 65% after this wif tat limited amount left, i need to feed myself till june, pay for birbeck, pay for my trip to germany, pay for ppl's bday, pay for the shipment of my things, pay for graduation, pay for bank processing for mum n sis's food n travel etc fare in june..tat lil 35% needs to last me till the very least..sigh..
so wat shud i do now??be an entrepreneur n starts sellin chili sauce??kekeke..nah..

ps: i think everyone shud go to the link above to read..but if u recently lost someone dear to u n still had not move on, n is currently emotionally unbalance, or had weak heart, dun go read..spare ur heart..
conclusion: treasure the ppl ard u..n dun take them for granted..sigh, wont it b wonderful if the uni pay class reps for their jobs??kekeke..but then if tat was the case i think i will b out of job..btw, if u haf a ticket wif msl, pls read the emails i fwd ard..thanks..
oh ya..n the title got nothing to do wif the post..onli the one who needs to understand will understand..
hi there, thank you for your well wishes. the support from the blogosphere has been very touching.
U r welcome..ur posts are very inspiring..
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