went out to look for colour paper wif kimi today..conclusion : it's like finding a needle in the sea..decided to get it from Malaysia..reach home at ard 4 sth..n started drawing..yes..drawing..it's been almost 5 years since i draw anything this serious..kekeke..the results, erm, u decide ba..personally i think it is not tat nice..kekekeke..but as long as the recipient like can ad ba..was kinda surprised at myself as it took me only 2 hours plus to finish this..used to take me longer..ok la..below are the pics..kekekeke..i seriously think the pics arent doing the drawing any justice..cos i feel tat the original one looks nicer..less blurred ba..might b my hands are shaking ba..
there was a point when i tot tat it looked like the ang moh version of Jacky Cheung..kekeke..probably cos i was listening to his songs when drawing..agnes said it looks like the son of Justice Bao cos the face looks dark..sigh..boh pian la..can't find the colour paper i wanted..in the end used black paper..kekekeke..if i was jus drawing someone randomly then i would haf been very satisfied with this..too bad..this doesnt look like the person i am drawing at all..to ashame to say who i was drawing..so if u r very free, go guess la..to those who knew ad, no revealing of the ans..wonder wat will i do next..
justice bao.... hahahahahahhahahahhhah
i still feel he looks like the ang moh version of jacky cheung..wakakakka...
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