Germany Trip - Dusseldorf (Day 1)
hehehe..long forgotten trip..kekeke..malas to finish the Sweden post shall continue wif my Germany trip..with the two april babies..their relationship very complex..kekeke..ok..let's intro the members of this trip then..
our tour guide of the trip..Agnes..
lastly, goin to end this post wif a blurred picture of the TV tower..

oh ya..all the best to those taking can do it..kekeke..n Happy Birthday to Philip!!
a little info bout our tour word to describe - BLUR!!she almost took us to glasgow international airport..the plane we were taking to dusseldorf was Ryan Air..anyone spot the mistake yet??lol..but on the whole, i mus praise her (pls dun kembang..u r round enough ad..kekeke) cos she manage to get us back in one piece..n was able to lead us back to the hostel even though she was drunk..ok..enough bout her..
next, we have..
food supplier of the trip..
parasite of the trip..
next, we have..
why food supplier, you ask..kekeke..cos she was the onli one providing us sweets, munchies and all throughout the trip..but now she is officially our mother la..kekeke..super like F1..go Mc D oso wanna take F1 logo..luckily in germany is schumacer..not her kimi..too bad..finland too expensive ad..muahahahaha..oh ya..loves pink very seen in pic..kekeke..erm, basically, loves to cam whore..kekeke..but then, who doesnt?? (exclude agnes la..)
ok..tat's idea wat is my role in the trip..except thinking bout the captions of the pics..kekeke..there were some really good ones..the bad thing is tat i forgot all bout them since i took so long to get my lazy ass to blog bout this trip..kekeke..kimi n agnes, let me noe if i got any useful role in this trip la..but i doubt anything good will come out from agnes..kekeke..
we woke up early..erm, 4am?forgot..ard there la..then rush to central can see from the pic above, agnes' hair still wet..kekeke..oh supplier kimi got fried rice with her i think which we gladly devour to our heart's content..wat to do, kimi went out with a pair of wolves..but anyhow oso better than vultures rite??
we took ryan air to london then transit to dusseldorf..first day in dusseldorf was splendid..why?cos the weather was marvelous..sunny and all..kekeke..kimi's comment when she alighted from the plane "wah, we brought the right clothes..luckily i din bring my winter jacket..later wanna change to summer clothes??".. my response was " according to BBC, the weather for all the days we are here is sunny..see, i din say wrong rite..later we go change..."
how we love the blue sky, white clouds n sunny sun..n we shud too..cos tat was the last we saw of it for the entire trip..kekeke..conclusion : u shud nv trust bbc weather forecast..well, other forecast oso la..cos u can nv forecast weather 100% accurately one la..sigh..人算不如天算..
anyway, we got on the bus to transit to city centre..acc to the bus driver it onli takes us 30's 30 minutes sure is long..cos according to my Malaysian watch, it took us more than an hour to reach the city..
we woke up early..erm, 4am?forgot..ard there la..then rush to central can see from the pic above, agnes' hair still wet..kekeke..oh supplier kimi got fried rice with her i think which we gladly devour to our heart's content..wat to do, kimi went out with a pair of wolves..but anyhow oso better than vultures rite??
we took ryan air to london then transit to dusseldorf..first day in dusseldorf was splendid..why?cos the weather was marvelous..sunny and all..kekeke..kimi's comment when she alighted from the plane "wah, we brought the right clothes..luckily i din bring my winter jacket..later wanna change to summer clothes??".. my response was " according to BBC, the weather for all the days we are here is sunny..see, i din say wrong rite..later we go change..."
how we love the blue sky, white clouds n sunny sun..n we shud too..cos tat was the last we saw of it for the entire trip..kekeke..conclusion : u shud nv trust bbc weather forecast..well, other forecast oso la..cos u can nv forecast weather 100% accurately one la..sigh..人算不如天算..
anyway, we got on the bus to transit to city centre..acc to the bus driver it onli takes us 30's 30 minutes sure is long..cos according to my Malaysian watch, it took us more than an hour to reach the city..
scenery from the bus..the pics a bit poorly taken..kekeke..
i was secretly cursing the sun on the bus..cos i was sitting at the side where the sun is..sigh..too lazy to change ad..since the bus driver says it takes only 30minutes..30 minutes his head la..shud haf change seats..sigh..
anyway, we got the directions to our hostel from the tourist info centre..decided to walk instead of taking public transport to the hostel..took us ages to reach..cos the signs are all in german..n it all looks the same to us..well to me at least..n after a few wrong turns and all, we finally got to the hostel..not a real splendid place but the owner is nice..n the place is not tat bad oso..jus tat there's no lock to the rooms and bathrooms..thank God the toilets have and kimi changed our clothes n started exploring the city..
me at an unknown building tat we kept pass by for the next few days..
tat's kimi..we were first attracted to this building as it was all glass..kekeke..which we later found out is pretty common in germany..nevertheless, it's got pretty good architecture..
feast ur eyes at this pic!!!why?? cos it's very rare to see agnes wearing a sleeveless without a jacket walking around..this is the onli pic tat i've got with her baring it all..kekekeke..
anyway, we got the directions to our hostel from the tourist info centre..decided to walk instead of taking public transport to the hostel..took us ages to reach..cos the signs are all in german..n it all looks the same to us..well to me at least..n after a few wrong turns and all, we finally got to the hostel..not a real splendid place but the owner is nice..n the place is not tat bad oso..jus tat there's no lock to the rooms and bathrooms..thank God the toilets have and kimi changed our clothes n started exploring the city..
then i wanted to take the pic of the whole building alone..kekeke..kimi tried a few times but dear agnes took the pics of it..which takes quite a long time..cos she walked like few metres away, squatting, bending, standing, turn here n there bfore she got a few pics which she deem fit..
we then marched on to the old town to explore..nothing much ba..but plenty of restaurants there..kekeke..plenty of schumacer bar there...which we took some for elyne..acc to kimi, elyne is schumacer's fan..but i dun think elyne is as crazy as kimi ba when it comes to this..kekeke..
looks like glasgow??
one of the few buildings tat looks like the ones we got in glasgow..tat's wat i think la..

trying to capture the reflection of the three beauties of the trip..kekeke..(u can easily differentiate us acc to the height..)
unknown clock tower..
unknown statue in front of the unknown clock tower..kekeke..
the riverside..kekeke..sun was setting when we reach here..nice..
another view..(different mode)
another view..
it was very windy..kekeke..
agnes and the tower
kimi with one of her many pose..kekeke..she sure is the poser of the group..
TV tower far far away..
while they were busy taking pics of the sceneries, i was busy peeping at a couple kissing..kekeke..
"I believe I can fly"
my never changing peace sign..
trying to capture the reflection of the three beauties of the trip..kekeke..(u can easily differentiate us acc to the height..)
nice ambience..
food was so so..not tat cheap n service sux..the waiter prefer serving another table of asian gals..who are, well, prettier than us??kekeke..the main factor is tat they can speak fluent german ba..cos the waiter almost burst his major blood vessels when asking for order..hehe..while waiting we almost slept..
after dinner, we went back to the riverside and take some pics..
after dinner, we went back to the riverside and take some pics..
after a few more pics, we head back to the hostel as it was getting lost once i think bfore agnes found the right way back..
lastly, goin to end this post wif a blurred picture of the TV tower..
oh ya..all the best to those taking can do it..kekeke..n Happy Birthday to Philip!!
was really hooked by this anime..kekeke..cant stop watching it..was supposed to sleep..then i saw epi 50..sub in chinese though..although i haf no idea wat the hell they were toking about but there was this part tat i cant stop laughing..kekeke..
Angel's Heart
this is a new song from my fren..kekeke...same singer as the one who sang "Mei You Ni Wo Ke Yi"..but i like this better..kekeke..enjoy..if u like this song, can drop by to here to listen to all her other songs..
擺擺手 搖搖頭
仙女棒 棉花糖
仙女棒 棉花糖
我還擁有你給的力量 (x2)
擺擺手 搖搖頭
仙女棒 棉花糖
仙女棒 棉花糖
我還擁有你給的力量 (x2)
PS: if u wan the lyrics to the first song, let me noe as well..o u can jus get it from the link above..
Happy Birthday, Shin Yee..
Happy birthday to Shin Yee..not sure if u read my blog..kekeke..may all your wishes come true!!


sigh..sth terrible happen to my face actually..seems like a hypersensitivity has gone all red n puffy n hot..except for the eye area..i now looked as though i've got sunburnt from spain o italy trip..hope tat it'll get better by itself tmr..sigh..if not, i oso dunno wat i'll do..
Lady Sleep..
Got this from Pou Wee's blog..kekeke..think it's well written..tot of sharing wif u all..u can drop by to his blog to see more of his works..
Lady Sleep
Sleep is like a dream
She gently grazes you
And leaves a scar
In the morning
I see you in the sunset
Your fingers
Trailing Off your
Auburn hair
She would kiss you
Comfort you
Leaving an overwhelming
Sense of serenity
While you held my hand
Close to your heart
Humming our
Favourite tunes
I could almost feel
Your warmth
Until Lady Sleep
Slipped away from me
Lady Sleep
Sleep is like a dream
She gently grazes you
And leaves a scar
In the morning
I see you in the sunset
Your fingers
Trailing Off your
Auburn hair
She would kiss you
Comfort you
Leaving an overwhelming
Sense of serenity
While you held my hand
Close to your heart
Humming our
Favourite tunes
I could almost feel
Your warmth
Until Lady Sleep
Slipped away from me
I need to pass..pls let me pass and graduate in June 2007...sigh..cant stop worrying..goin to nap now n try to forget..
Guess Who..
went out to look for colour paper wif kimi today..conclusion : it's like finding a needle in the sea..decided to get it from Malaysia..reach home at ard 4 sth..n started's been almost 5 years since i draw anything this serious..kekeke..the results, erm, u decide ba..personally i think it is not tat nice..kekekeke..but as long as the recipient like can ad ba..was kinda surprised at myself as it took me only 2 hours plus to finish this..used to take me longer..ok la..below are the pics..kekekeke..i seriously think the pics arent doing the drawing any justice..cos i feel tat the original one looks nicer..less blurred ba..might b my hands are shaking ba..
there was a point when i tot tat it looked like the ang moh version of Jacky Cheung..kekeke..probably cos i was listening to his songs when drawing..agnes said it looks like the son of Justice Bao cos the face looks dark..sigh..boh pian la..can't find the colour paper i the end used black paper..kekekeke..if i was jus drawing someone randomly then i would haf been very satisfied with this..too bad..this doesnt look like the person i am drawing at ashame to say who i was if u r very free, go guess those who knew ad, no revealing of the ans..wonder wat will i do next..
cant post any msg to ur chatterbox again..forgotten my xanga haf no other choice but to post my response to ur post in my blog..
choc fudge there was nice..nv tried the brownie bfore though..the ambience there nv fail to make me fell asleep while waiting for the desserts..kekekeke..i feel sorry for the other person too..cos the one n only time i work for them, they paid my pay to another person..
anyway, got to go bath..n sleep..sigh..sleep deprived..tmr is goin to be a long day..kekeke..but i'm loving it..
choc fudge there was nice..nv tried the brownie bfore though..the ambience there nv fail to make me fell asleep while waiting for the desserts..kekekeke..i feel sorry for the other person too..cos the one n only time i work for them, they paid my pay to another person..
anyway, got to go bath..n sleep..sigh..sleep deprived..tmr is goin to be a long day..kekeke..but i'm loving it..
Two More Done..
hehehe..finished two things today..quite proud of myself..kekeke..finished agnes' hard disk cover and jasmine's mobile pouch..kekeke..and got myself four more mobile pouch to go..i am left wif one more camera pouch and a bag..kekeke..hopefully can finish all in time..the camera pouch and the bag (especially the bag..been at it for ages..) jasmine said i can sell the mobile pouch here n earn a living..kekeke..dun think i will do tat ba..cos each pouch need to be different as each person is different..hehehe..cant wait to see wat yarn i will get for the mobile pouch..kekeke..
the reason why i made a pouch for agnes..sigh..kesian the cover..not her fault entirely ended up like this after the hard disk tour ard jbc..
first layer of the pouch..done in March..
second layer in process..
all done..
it took me two days (one whole day to finish actually)..the pattern was relatively easy..but requires a lot of skill (or mayb i am jus picky..kekeke)..i ended up redoing for more than 3 times..
end product..was supposed to gif her on her bday..but din manage to finish in time..
jasmine's mobile pouch..was supposed to be a V pattern instead of a diamond..due to miscalculation, it ended up like ended up wif the same pattern as sharon's..paiseh..then i ran out of the in the end threw in some purple and white..wif the two remaining "puff balls" (no idea wat it's called)
luckily it turned out to b not bad.. note: mobile from kimi, top white yarn from agnes..white "puff ball" by agnes..purple "puff ball" by jasmine..
finally done the two tat i shud haf finish long time ago..kekeke..four more mobile pouch to go and two huge projects to go..wont be accepting any offer in the near future..sorry guys..need to rush all those i haf in hands first..n prepare myself for june..kekeke..Sudirman posters are up in George Square..wif all the unknown ang mohs face..they are probably Scottish players idea..
ending the post wif some random pics of the food i had..
ending the post wif some random pics of the food i had..
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