jus came back from sweden..reach jbc like an hour ago..then found out tat poor agnes was left home alone when the rest of the house went out for dinner..prob to celeb huey's bday..hopefully she was not intentionally left alone..n if she was realli left alone intentionally, i hope it was not bcos of me..if it is, well, i guess i haf to make up to agnes..(but tat does not mean tat i wont neno u bout ur attitude and ur last minute-ness towards the essay n academic stuff, agnes..jus tat u got gp visit n tat u r kinda kelian cos was left alone today..so i decided to "postpone" the lecture..be prepared tonite..kekekeke..even ur pengganti oso cant save u..cos ur pengganti too cute ad..no heart to hit her..)
oh ya..think i need to explain a bit bout the pengganti thingy..kekeke..damn cute..cant blieve u act think up this "kiew" to neno me..lol..when i was in stockholm msn-ing wif agnes, she told me she got a surprise for me..then when i got back from stockholm, i was greeted wif wat i tot was a whole stack of A4 papers..which was damn obvious tat it was from agnes (cos no one in my hs ever leave anythin other than the daily letters in my mail box except agnes..)..so i took it in n read it..all i can say was one word :CUTE (but too bad, agnes..u r beyond hope..so not even the cuteness n creativeness can help u this time..)..kimi tot i would scream when i saw tat..kekeke..too bad kimi, i din..kekeke..anyway, i think agnes' creativity n art work improves a lot..judging from the halloween card she gaf me..but then i got a feelin tat kimi helped her..lol..ok, enuf words..pics of the stack of A4 papers from agnes:
hehe..as for pics from sweden, pls visit naked buddies' blog or siaw vun's blog..cos i din bring my camera so all pics are not wif me..when i got them n if i am in good mood n damn free then will upload them..in the meantime, pls go to their blogs..esp ah foo..kekeke..i am told to direct u to their blogs..esp mingjia's n sharon's blog..hmm..on second tot, i will post the pics tat i like best esp for my ai ren..kekeke..the only pics i got from sweden is my "trophy" of souvenirs (erm..the phrase sounds weird..kekeke..heck care la..)..behold, the reason y i return broke:
ps: ai ren, let me noe which fridge magnet u like k??cos i realli cant decide..hope u like it..
last three from the right up close
ps: my sis gonna neno me for this..but it's mine..muahahahahaha..realli love it..regret tat i din bought more..shud haf bought two to three more sets..kekekeke..
one of the 5 postcards i bought..sent two home from sweden ad..the rest cos i cant remember the address so got to wait till i get back..kekeke..
stockholm nite view..wif slight snow..
part of old town of stockholm during the evening..
some view from sweden country side..
one of the 5 postcards i bought..sent two home from sweden ad..the rest cos i cant remember the address so got to wait till i get back..kekeke..
last but not least, the most expensive gift of all from my trip..
a pair of red hand made wooden horses from sweden..think was called dali horse..not so sure though..this pair is for my cousin who is goin to get married this year..kekeke..as their weddin gift..dunno appropriate o not..jus hope they like it..
hmmm..think those who noes me shud noe this..tat is my feet is too small for my body..sigh..hence i keep falling..lol..or mayb tat was an excuse by me for my clumsiness n carelessness..anyway, i haf been fallin non stop during this trip..more so during the skiing..the reason i said tat i learnt how to ski n walk on the last day in kiruna is tat skiing is realli closely related to how u walk..erm at least tat was in my opinion..i can proudly n loudly said tat i am the best faller n most frequent faller during the ski..lol..i sort of fell on the SAME spot for more than 5 times..meanin i get up then fall then get up then fall..thanks to the soft snow "cushion" so i was not tat badly injured..kekeke..but then things are kinda diff in glasgow..floors are damn hard..yeah..i din manage to reach home "safely"..fell when i was jus bout to reach home..rite in front of jbc..rite after we said hi to kalai..sigh..sort of twisted my rite ankle n my left knee is blue black now..shud b fine after applying ointments n stuff..i hope..
conclusion of the day : if u cant prevent o avoid falls from happening, minimise the impact of the fall..hence, minimise the severity of the fall..if u do fall, pick urself up from where u fall..n move on..life goes on.. (hehehe..the philosophy i learnt from falling..kekeke..think it applies in life in general as well..)..tat's all for today..now is 3.28am..need to do plenty of laundry tmr..
ps: thanks sharon, ming jia, chee mun and siaw vun!!had a great time wif u guys!!sorry for makin u guys wait for me cos was kinda slow n kept falling..n thanks for worrying bout me..lol..esp when i get too cold..thanks for everything..
conclusion of the day : if u cant prevent o avoid falls from happening, minimise the impact of the fall..hence, minimise the severity of the fall..if u do fall, pick urself up from where u fall..n move on..life goes on.. (hehehe..the philosophy i learnt from falling..kekeke..think it applies in life in general as well..)..tat's all for today..now is 3.28am..need to do plenty of laundry tmr..
ps: thanks sharon, ming jia, chee mun and siaw vun!!had a great time wif u guys!!sorry for makin u guys wait for me cos was kinda slow n kept falling..n thanks for worrying bout me..lol..esp when i get too cold..thanks for everything..
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