Is Everything Fated??

Was reading this book by Agatha Christie; titled Three Act Tragedy, and this paragraph caught my's potrayed in a different way..but in my opinion it's similiar to wat my M'sian Studies lecturer was telling us on's the whole paragraph which i quoted from the book:

Events come to people - not people to events.Why do some people have exciting lives while other people have dull ones?Because of their surroundings?Not at all.One man may travel to the ends of theearth and nothing will happen to him.there will be a massacre a week before he arrives,and an earthquake the day after he leaves, and the boat that he nearly took will be shipwrecked. and another man may live at Balham and travel to the City everyday, and things will happen to him. he will be mixed up with blackmailing gangs and beautiful girls and motor bandits. There are people with the tendency to shipwrecks - even if they go on an ornamental lake something will happen to it. In the same way men like your Hercule Poirot don't have to look for crime - it comes to them.

my M'sian Studies lecturer was pointing out the fact tat some people live a very smooth life where they always do the right thing at the right time and at the right place..Lady Luck seems to be smilling at them ALL the time..where as some people live a rotten life..watever they do seemed to be a failure..they do things at the wrong time at the wrong place..

if you fall into the category where things dun always worked the wat u wan it, fret not..Acc to the lecturer, God gave us two is fated to live the life u're destined to live..the other is for u to change ur destiny..some things are fated..others can be start changing ur life now..and STOP being pessimistic anymore..if you wanna change the way ppl treat u then change the way u think NOW..