went shoppin yest wif agnes then later on met up wif hui sing n doreen for dinner at lauders..hehe..planned to get a new sports shoes since mine was ad spoilt..in the end i got myself 4 new knickers..no pics though..hehe..
finish my card holder today..hehe..damn happy..jus showed it to agnes n she say she wans one..lol..i'll think bout it n prob in march when i am so damn free onli make one for her ba..
goin to post some of the pics of the stuff i did..hehe..oh ya, received my mum parcel ad n got myself a two new crochet needles..so will be returnin jaymie's hers..
found tat there are some pics in my camera when i took the pic of my card holder..so tot of postin it up too..

elyne's bday card..hehe..made by kimi

i wanted the cow..but wat to do..the artist is kimi..so she got the priority..n therefore i got the pig..

chocolates from kimi..one for bday gal, one for garlic n one for ME!!too pretty to be eaten..so it is still sitting in my room nicely wrapped up..

elyne's i pod cover made by ME!!hehe..i pod seen above is from melanie..(thanks, melanie..now i noe u r hotter than the i pod)

the samsung mp3 player pouch i made for agnes' bf (on her request)..

dun ask me y she dun wana do for him..wanted to teach her but she doesnt wanna learn..

she requested that the top part could b bend down..(damn mafan..)was supposed to pass it to lay's bf so he could bring back msia..too bad i wasnt able to finish it in time since i got the yarn at the almost last minute..(used up 4 hours to do this..) not forgettin the forever damn mafan n demandin garlic who wanted me to make it for her bf..

my card holder!!hehe..can see the two needles send by my mum..wonder wat will she say when i show her my cardholder..lol

from another view..

when opened..
eh.. the ipod cover so nice laaaaa.. I WANT!!! :D I want i want i want.. pretty please wid a cherry on top? Hahahaha.. of course I'm hotter than the ipod la. LOL..
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