Your caring nature is earning you the most karma!

You seem to be one of those people who has an uncanny ability to anticipate and meet the needs of others around you. This nurturing quality has helped you earn your karma up to this point. Your thoughtfulness strengthens your current relationships, and suggests that such kindnesses will be repaid to you some time in the future. Through your concerted efforts to express how much you care, you generate good karma for yourself and the universe.
caring?hehe..i'm not so sure bout tat..they make me sound like a saint..which i'm obviously not.."Your thoughtfulness strengthens your current relationships, and suggests that such kindnesses will be repaid to you some time in the future." perhaps i'm being a bit pessimistic here..but from most of my experiences, kindness n caring doesnt pay much these days..mayb i'm jus tired of being myself..tired of helpin ppl..used to think tat if ppl needs help n i can help then i'll, i'll b thinkin if i can do this by myself why cant u?selfish huh?guess as i grow older the more selfish i bcome..n i always tot the older one gets the more selfless one will be..strange how things turn out to be..sigh..used to love pink..but somehow now i hate tat colour..not those sweet light pink..but those neno pink(cant find the colour..not fluorescence pink..)..guessed it's normal gua..even if it's other colours if i haf to see it everyday n stuff, sooner o later i'll be sick of how i'm feelin it nw..let's jus hope i'll change for the better..
lol..was supposed to post bout other stuffs first..but jus tat sudd feel like bloggin bout this first..
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