Wat Happen?
sigh..melanie told me tag board now no problem ad..but i still haf problem wif it..still can access to blogs using it..but acc to elyne, keli n mel, they can..is there sth wrong wif my laptop?o my browser?o wat??whenever i try to open any site related to tag board my browser will hang..sigh..damn irritatin..someone, help!!
Holiday Mood..

hehehe..feel like as if i'm on holiday..dread to think bout the class test on monday..anyway, did this the whole noon..jus finish..think it looks nice..
sigh..i think i really shud change..n stop being so neno..stop doing things tat ppl din ask me to..so i can stop hurtin myself..today was really a very bad day for me..never felt so idiot in my life..giving out so much..yet the other party will never noe..even if she noes, she might not appreciate it..
think i shud start being selfish n stop doing silly things for others..stop thinkin bout others..wat's the point anyway..i'm gettin hurt anyway..i shud haf jus care bout myself n tat's it..cos ppl nv appreciate a good deed..initially they might..soon, they take it for granted..
strange how this may sound..i am always surrounded by ppl..yet, i'm always alone..mayb i'm jus to hard to get along..watever..i'll jus haf to get myself used to this..n stop wastin my time n feelings on other ppl..
wonder if tmr will b better..
think i shud start being selfish n stop doing silly things for others..stop thinkin bout others..wat's the point anyway..i'm gettin hurt anyway..i shud haf jus care bout myself n tat's it..cos ppl nv appreciate a good deed..initially they might..soon, they take it for granted..
strange how this may sound..i am always surrounded by ppl..yet, i'm always alone..mayb i'm jus to hard to get along..watever..i'll jus haf to get myself used to this..n stop wastin my time n feelings on other ppl..
wonder if tmr will b better..
Wat The Hell!!
to anyone who's readin this..i tot it's ad a common sense that u shudnt wake/disturb anyone who's sleeping..unless it's very very urgent..n if u happen to wake someone else, pls b apologetic bout it..dun gif me the neno look when i ask u if u noe i'm sleeping..say u r sorry o sth like tat..at least i wont get tat angry wif ya..n quickly finish wat u wan from me so i can get back to sleep..do NOT obstruct me from my sleep..for those of u who dunno, i value my sleep more than my life..and unfortunately, i do not value mos frenship more than my sleep..so i dun care who u are..best to leave me alone while i'm sleepin..unless i told u to wake me up at a specific time..n in this case if i got angry, jus slap me..
note: even my family leave me alone when i'm sleepin unless necessary..if u think u haf a good reason to wake me up, pls clarify..dun jus wake me up w/o any reason..sleepy ppl r most blur..so unless u state it, i dunno wat the hell u wan from me..
Another Boring Day...
was reading other ppl's blog..saw sth interesting in elyne's blog..was sth tat i wanted to write about for long time but can nv express it in words..
today damn a lot of ambulance..more than ten passed by my place ad..wat's wrong??i hope nothin serious is going on..gtg for now..got another 100pages to cover..sigh..oh, if u happen to b visitin elyne's blog, do read bout our neno housemate as well..think it was well written..i hate Henry..his eternal smile infuriates me..sigh..but i still haf to put up wif him..his smile is so damn fake..n kinda like gloatin at us..sigh...
damn pissed of at myself today..damn clumsy..n brainless..spill the whole packet of mee on the floor..wonder if it's still edible..i picked the top ones n kept it..most, was thrown away..wasting..sigh..wat to do..i'm bcomin more n more brainless n useles..
today damn a lot of ambulance..more than ten passed by my place ad..wat's wrong??i hope nothin serious is going on..gtg for now..got another 100pages to cover..sigh..oh, if u happen to b visitin elyne's blog, do read bout our neno housemate as well..think it was well written..i hate Henry..his eternal smile infuriates me..sigh..but i still haf to put up wif him..his smile is so damn fake..n kinda like gloatin at us..sigh...
damn pissed of at myself today..damn clumsy..n brainless..spill the whole packet of mee on the floor..wonder if it's still edible..i picked the top ones n kept it..most, was thrown away..wasting..sigh..wat to do..i'm bcomin more n more brainless n useles..
was too bored..so went tickle.com n did the quiz..n got the below results..
caring?hehe..i'm not so sure bout tat..they make me sound like a saint..which i'm obviously not.."Your thoughtfulness strengthens your current relationships, and suggests that such kindnesses will be repaid to you some time in the future." perhaps i'm being a bit pessimistic here..but from most of my experiences, kindness n caring doesnt pay much these days..mayb i'm jus tired of being myself..tired of helpin ppl..used to think tat if ppl needs help n i can help then i'll help..now, i'll b thinkin if i can do this by myself why cant u?selfish huh?guess as i grow older the more selfish i bcome..n i always tot the older one gets the more selfless one will be..strange how things turn out to be..sigh..used to love pink..but somehow now i hate tat colour..not those sweet light pink..but those neno pink(cant find the colour..not fluorescence pink..)..guessed it's normal gua..even if it's other colours if i haf to see it everyday n stuff, sooner o later i'll be sick of it..like how i'm feelin it nw..let's jus hope i'll change for the better..
lol..was supposed to post bout other stuffs first..but jus tat sudd feel like bloggin bout this first..
Your caring nature is earning you the most karma!

You seem to be one of those people who has an uncanny ability to anticipate and meet the needs of others around you. This nurturing quality has helped you earn your karma up to this point. Your thoughtfulness strengthens your current relationships, and suggests that such kindnesses will be repaid to you some time in the future. Through your concerted efforts to express how much you care, you generate good karma for yourself and the universe.
caring?hehe..i'm not so sure bout tat..they make me sound like a saint..which i'm obviously not.."Your thoughtfulness strengthens your current relationships, and suggests that such kindnesses will be repaid to you some time in the future." perhaps i'm being a bit pessimistic here..but from most of my experiences, kindness n caring doesnt pay much these days..mayb i'm jus tired of being myself..tired of helpin ppl..used to think tat if ppl needs help n i can help then i'll help..now, i'll b thinkin if i can do this by myself why cant u?selfish huh?guess as i grow older the more selfish i bcome..n i always tot the older one gets the more selfless one will be..strange how things turn out to be..sigh..used to love pink..but somehow now i hate tat colour..not those sweet light pink..but those neno pink(cant find the colour..not fluorescence pink..)..guessed it's normal gua..even if it's other colours if i haf to see it everyday n stuff, sooner o later i'll be sick of it..like how i'm feelin it nw..let's jus hope i'll change for the better..
lol..was supposed to post bout other stuffs first..but jus tat sudd feel like bloggin bout this first..
I'm So PROUD of Myself!!
hehe..i'm very very proud n pleased wif myself..for once..hehe..as u can see i've changed the blog skin..not bcos i dun like the old one..i like the old one..jus tat wanna change a bit..n somehow, this skin kinda suits my mood now..dunno how long this skin will last cos i intend to put the old skin back..depends on how the reactions are to this new skin..even now i've comments tat they cant find the buttons to click in..hmm..intend to put back the old skin..bcos it's done by someone dear to me..still is..tat's y i retain the song..even though i think it doesnt really suit this skin..does it?dunno..need comments on this..
i spent like 3 to 4 hours to make this thing work..damn neno i noe..sigh..wat to do..damn idiot in this..got to go now..going to george square..may blog later..depends on mood..
Hercules in Glasgow...
they say a picture is worth a thousand words..so i guess i shudnt say more..u'll understand when u see the pictures ..
Less Less Less..
i've decided..from today onwards, i'll cook lesser rice..lesser dishes..lesser portions..i've been worrying too much..too worried tat i starve my housemates..today only i realised i always cook too much..till they cant finish..haf to change this habit of mine fast..probably should cook faster too..since most of them are partially full when i'm done..due to the food they store in their rooms..wonder wat happened to the excess soup..perhaps not going to boil any soup in future..
FMT Class Tests..
din wanna post anythin one..basically jus plain lazy n nothing to tok bout..but since i ad log in to change a few things on my blog n i cant sleep, i guess i'll jus update my life no matter how meaningless it seems..
hehe..if someone sees this he/she might neno me for it..cos life's nv meaningless..but meaningless to me as in there's nothin much to write about..things are certainly gettin mundane here..when it wasnt, i was jus too lazy to blog..
for those back at home, i've got public holidays on 14th n 17th..why?i have no idea..hehe..anyone who noes let me noe k?it may seem to b a great opportunity to go travel ard glasgow..too bad..everythin happens for a reason..i've to stay at home n eat my two thick FMT books..even after eatin them i still dun understand the stuffs..useles..my FMT class tests are on 18th n 20th respectively..all together i've got ard 500 pages to eat..the good news is..it's multiple choice questions..for someone lack of ambitions like me, a pass will b good enuff..n if i'm lucky enuff, i probably will get 60 over for both class tests..but experience taught me not to expect too high..then u wont get hurt tat much..bsides if u score higher than expected u'll b over the moon..a perfect way to deceive urself..i've totally mastered it..very easy to achieve too..jus sleep ur troubles away..
it doesnt matter if u dun understand this entry..i myself haf difficulty in understandin it..reason y is cos i'm writin this w/o a clear mind..woke up two hour ago..but still feel tat part of me is sleepin..dun ask me bout this either cos i'll forget 90% of this after my sleep..usually does..wonder how am i going to pass my tests n how i've managed to pass them..since i normally forget 90% of the stuff..
ok..enuff of neno-ing..wanna go back to sleep now..shud haf gone back to sleep one hour ago..tmr got to start study..sigh..tak ada mood langsung..part of me hope tat the class test will b postphone..part of me dun..in the end i decided tat i'll jus let nature takes its course..while i watch the world from my dreamland..
PS:i jus change my chatter box to tag board..spent like more than an hour to choose the colour to match my blog..dunno whether it suits o not..let me noe wat u think ok?thanks..nite ppl...
I've Been Dreamin for Too Long....
i've been dreamin for too long..until my eyes are clouded..until i cant tell wat is reality n wat is fantasy..sigh..
n only now i've realised how unfair this world is..how unfair ppl tend to judge u..how unfair each person is treated..today, i feel tat i've been judged n treated unfairly..today, is also the day where other ppl at other parts of the world who are judged n treated more unfairly than me..n yet, i haf always tot that this world is fair..that humans are blessed wif eyes..eyes tat were given for us to see..to see the diff bet right n wrong..yet, some of us are too blinded..for once i'm loss..am i doing the right thing??i guess i've been sleeping too much..way too much..i can feel the "old" me creeping back..is this a good thing?i dunno...
wat i do noe is tat i've tried my entire life to control the "old" me..to control it so that i might bcome a better person..yet, i think i'm fightin a losing battle..n i dun care anymore..i'm tired..seriously tired..tired of thinkin..tired of being judged unfairly every time..tired of everythin..
total equality may come one day..it may not..i used to think tat it's possible to haf equal treatment, equal judgement..as long as we humans try..now, i think i've been sleeping n dreamin for too long..
i feel like shoutin..but i cant..i feel like cryin..but i cant..mayb i should jus go back to sleep..n nv wakes up..to those who had judge me before..dun b too eager to judge ppl next time..u r not God..hence, dun judge ppl..
i'm sick of everythin...i've never felt like saying fuck u so much in my life.........bcos today i lost my freedom..
n only now i've realised how unfair this world is..how unfair ppl tend to judge u..how unfair each person is treated..today, i feel tat i've been judged n treated unfairly..today, is also the day where other ppl at other parts of the world who are judged n treated more unfairly than me..n yet, i haf always tot that this world is fair..that humans are blessed wif eyes..eyes tat were given for us to see..to see the diff bet right n wrong..yet, some of us are too blinded..for once i'm loss..am i doing the right thing??i guess i've been sleeping too much..way too much..i can feel the "old" me creeping back..is this a good thing?i dunno...
wat i do noe is tat i've tried my entire life to control the "old" me..to control it so that i might bcome a better person..yet, i think i'm fightin a losing battle..n i dun care anymore..i'm tired..seriously tired..tired of thinkin..tired of being judged unfairly every time..tired of everythin..
total equality may come one day..it may not..i used to think tat it's possible to haf equal treatment, equal judgement..as long as we humans try..now, i think i've been sleeping n dreamin for too long..
i feel like shoutin..but i cant..i feel like cryin..but i cant..mayb i should jus go back to sleep..n nv wakes up..to those who had judge me before..dun b too eager to judge ppl next time..u r not God..hence, dun judge ppl..
i'm sick of everythin...i've never felt like saying fuck u so much in my life.........bcos today i lost my freedom..
Bed Bugs!!
sigh..i really think village office should jus move us to thomas campbell court..the bed bugs in james blyth court is spreadin..and damn fast too..now i dun dare to open my windows cos acc to some ppl the bed bugs flew into their room..although i cant imagine how..sigh..i still worried they can creep in thru holes in the unit..
I wanna move!!
i dun think it's possible though..cos i heard those who are ad affected are moved to j flat temporarily..sigh...
btw, i cut my hair..hehehe..not really used to it..but i think it looks damn nice..my hairstylist is tze yan..thanks for the hair cut, tze yan!!
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