hmm..damn pissed off with gmail lately..yest i cant log, i cant send email..wat's the point of having an email acc when u cant log in to check ur mails n send emails??sigh..maybe i'm jus bad luck..
finally finish reading harry potter today..hehehe..finish it at ard 4.30 am..almost couldnt wake up for lecture..hehehehe..luckily huey called me which is like ard 10.20 am..i got like 10 minutes to get ready n rush to uni..went to lecture empty handed except for the essentials - money n hp..din haf time to figure out which lecture i haf so no notes were waiting for 2pm to come so i can meet my new sad tat Dr Ling's going..sigh..
the book wasnt really up to my expectation..sigh..prob cos i haf too high expectation for it..find it quite plain compare to the previous ones..prob i kinda guess the ending..sigh..watever..guess it's time for me to conc on PP1 n HEP..........

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