New Template AGAIN!!
Christmas Gifts from Kimi Princess... my opinion, this is the best card i ever receive this xmas..cos it is handmade..n i love the fonts..
Merry Christmas!!
New WMP!!
My Sis..
wat to do..i haf a BIG family..n i cant bear to buy sth to those i am close to in my family..i mean for frens i can do tat..but family, a diff story in order to buy for everyone, i dunno if i even got space to carry them back..sigh..n the list onli includes my cousins onli..aunty, uncle etc haven include..sigh sigh..santa, i realli need money to drop from the
mayb shud b like bro..dun buy anythin langsung..then use the money buy for myself..sigh.. how??tell me how??
Prague, Here I Come!!
checked the weather forecast from BBC..n it turn out tat it is almost as cold as glasgow..shud b fine for me..since it is not as less rain..hehe..hopefully i can see snow!!let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!

kimi princess, wait for me!!
The Brand New IE!!

Happy Birthday!!
Masterpiece~ (Watercolour on Gauze..)
Greatest Day of All!!
hehe..i am not sure if all mothers are the same..but wat i do noe is my mother is the best mum in the whole wide world..well, my dad as well..i haf no idea who's idea it is to put in the calendar into the parcel n the notebook (i haf a feelin it might b dad), it was a great surprise..n i was havin problem obtainin table calendar for next year..
the thing bout parents (i dunno if it applies to everyone's parents), is tat when u ask for one apple, they gif you a whole cart of apples..i asked for a simple cheapskate file..n wat i got is unbelievable..i got a whole range of diff kinds of files..from simple plain clear file to colourfuls winnie the pooh a cute file (dunno wat's the thing on it..)..i realli dun think i am goin to use them..cos they are too pretty n cute ad..
next, i got a whole range of diff types of chinese food..from mushrooms to chinese herbs..thank God mum din send the pills..i wonder if it's cos she forgot o wat..
well, like i mention, when u ask for an apple, u get a whole cart..i jus ask for a shorts..n i get all my shorts (most) from malaysia..unbelievable!!n i jus wan my mum to print jus one document..she worried tat i might not haf she printed SIX!!i haf no idea wat to do wif the rest..
there are a lot of other extra stuff tat my mum manage to squeeze into the box..all i can say is "pei fu" lynn mention tat my mum is damn good at packin after she saw the inside of the parcel..n i couldnt agree more..
wearin my malaysia shorts now, all i can say is i am FAT!! hehe..
this is the best xmas gift i haf got all my life..too bad i was too anxious to open the parcel..din take a pic of it..n i was too busy (or u can say efficient) in packing all my newly acquired things, i din haf time to take pics of the treasures i got..hehe..come to my room to find out if u r TAT curious..
i think my walls are damn crowded..need more wall space..sigh..u will noe when u see it..
Good Riddance!!

Happy Birthday, Ann!!

Xmas Tree..
anyway, if u r free, pls drop by to here n leave a msg to me..hehe..thanks thanks..
Garlicon is a Big Thinker.. (Garlic aka Agnes aka butterman)
The four aspects that make up this personality type are:

Summary of Big-Thinkers
- Outspoken, ingenious and bored by routine
- Think of themselves as talkative, curious and self-sufficient
- May neglect the routine work required to make their plans successful
More about Big-Thinkers
Big Thinkers are always looking for the next big idea or opportunity. They’re adept at spotting trends and thinking on their feet. Big Thinkers like to jump in and find innovative solutions to complex problems and are good at developing strategies for the future.

In the UK, Big Thinkers are most likely to book a holiday at short notice, according to a nationwide survey.

Big Thinkers are usually curious, logical and energetic. This chatty group enjoys a good debate and asserting their opinions. Sometimes others may find the way they express their ideas too abrupt or challenging.
In situations where they can't use their talents or are unappreciated, Big Thinkers may be rude, critical of others or rebellious. Under extreme stress, Big Thinkers can become preoccupied with unimportant details and lose sight of the 'big picture'.
Big Thinkers may ignore important details in their plans and overlook the impact their ideas have on the people around them.
Big-Thinker Careers
The entrepreneurial spirit of the Big Thinkers often leads them to seek new challenges; this is often more important to them than working in a particular field or a specific career.
It's important to remember that no survey can predict personality type with 100 percent accuracy. Experts say that we should use personality type to better understand ourselves and others, but shouldn't feel restricted by our results.
How true do you think they are? Hehe.. tell me! (^_^)
Jus Cant Study..
im not the joker in ure deck of cards.
but you had a good laugh didn't you?
playing the queen of hearts?
but ure not the only two-faced picture
in your suit of trades
you'll get your jack and kings
and your ace of spades.
Jus for Fun..
first we haf representative from room 1:
Happy Birthday, Jerica!!
i guess i shud jus forget everythin n dun think bout it..n jus pay all my attention to my studies..the rest, "xun chi zhi ran ba"..mayb i shud follow apple..n adopt the policy of dao?tat way i might protect myself from gettin hurt..but tat way i am restricting ppl to get close to me..sigh..this is hard..i seriously dunno wat to do anymore..n i jus cant ignore my own feelings anymore..perhaps i shud realli live for myself??but aint tat a bit selfish??
i realli dunno wat to be selfish n protect myself from getting hurt o to b the idiot who kept gettin hurt..which is the real me??
sigh, i think i need my pills..will reward myself 5 after i finish studyin..
Art n Personality..
as for the personality part, this is the result (kinda long i noe..):
Average extraversion | ![]() | ||
Average agreeableness | ![]() | ||
Average conscientiousness | ![]() | ||
Average emotional stability | ![]() | ||
Average intellectualism | ![]() | ||
High emotional intelligence | ![]() | ||
Your answers suggest you are a Mastermind
The four aspects that make up this personality type are:

Summary of Masterminds
- Visionaries who put energy into achieving their goals
- Prefer to work independently and dislike inefficiency
- Think of themselves as logical, thorough, and bright
- Values practicality and common sense above ideas and theories
Happy 22nd Birthday, Cindy!!
hehe..happy birthday dear of my orientation members!!lol..hope tat u enjoyed today!!sorry tat i cant go to the lunch later on..hope tat all ur wishes come true n all the best for the friday's class test..i noe u are worried bout it (who isnt..hehe..even the lazy bug like me is worried)..
December - Birthday List..
1/12 - hui xin
2/12 - felicia, yi ling n vanessa
3/12 - cindy
5/12 - kelvin n rachel
6/12 - jerica
8/12 - anna
9/12 - aaron n stephanie
12/12 - sze lay
13/12 - siew ann
14/12 - chia mein
15/12 - poh yuen
16/12 - sanyi, kat
19/12 - ron
20/12 - jackline
27/12 - elian (erm..i am not sure if po yin's bday is on the 26th o 27th..hehe..convent gals who drop by, enlightened me will u?)
29/12 - xiaoyi
31/12 - hui li n rosalind can b seen, there's lots of december babies ard!!hehe..let me noe if i haf missed out some ppl's is not done on jus tat my memory is failin me..anyway,
Happy 21st Birthday, Hui Xin!!
Updated Pics of Toilet Cleaning..

Xmas Activities..
hehe..anyway, we jus haf exchange of gifts between us..n we drew lots to determine who the gift is for so we can get the most suitable gift for the person..wonder who is preparin for my gift..hope is not agnes..cos if it is her..then the task will b too easy for her ad..sigh..guess she noes me too well..but then again, it is not tat hard to understand me ba..jus need time..n see if u r willing to o not..hmm..wonder wat will i get??lol..shud i put a wish list in this blog??will tat person sees it??nah..let her "fan" bout it ba..
anyway, i am damn excited bout this..hehe..goin to get gifts wif kimi princess..hehe..i very scared..scared i cant tahan..n tell ppl who i buyin the gift am damn bad at keepin secrets when i am this excited..God help me!!ok la..gtg..promised mum to sleep early..broke one of my promises to mum today..dun wanna break any further..nite ppl..
Young Enterpreneurs..
hmm..dunno if there are any other services..hehe..anyone who noes let me noe wor..i wonder wat next??garlicon putting service charge for the series??anyway, any one who wans free advertising can come find me..service provided is jus sendin emails to the whole guarantee if the whole class will get it..wat to one mar..hehe..ok la..realli got to sleep now..
who is starting a delivering service let me noe..i wanna get so many stuff from chung ying, sainsbury, tesco (tesco xtra esp)..hmm..i think this service is realli good..esp since winter approachin n most ppl r reluctant to go out..n would rather stay indoors n curl up under their blanket.. is now almost 5am..stupid intro..make me stay awake whole i cant sleep any earlier..haven till 5am i oso wont feel me someone..
Happy 21st Birthday, Keli!!