name : A
age : forties
gender : male
brief description :
was on dialysis for years..lost a limb..have been homeless for years..seen him roaming around the streets bfore..
name : B
age : seventies
gender : female
brief description :
visible arthritic fingers..nt sure she had the disease for how long..nt much is known about her..came to collect her medication on her own..
B was toking to A while i was preparing both their medication..overheard part of the conversation..most part bout their own family background..wat catches my attention was B said to A : i'm in a worst state than u..i more KELIAN than u, you know!!
it makes me old age plagued wif severe arthritis realli worst than dialysis??both appeared to b alone wif no family, wat do u think??i do hope i dun fall into either of the category as mentioned above..
sth fr the weekend to think about..

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