been thinking of blogging this entry for days..had this plot in my mind when i came back last Sunday..hehehe..somehow due to my laziness(as usual) and stress(from CVS interpertation exam) the posting of this entry was delay..hmmm..plan to act post this up only after my CVS exam..but then again, life goes might as well post it today since i'm so free n haf nothing better to do =p (this is the 2nd time i'm typing this..sigh..lost the first guess this would b inevitably shorter than the original one..tired of typing)
as usual, i would like to warn whoever is reading this page, if you're unhappy wif wat i am going to write down here, there are a few things you could do :
a) close the page..there's this cute little x at the right hand side corner of this page
b) write down any comments you feel like foul language though..we're in the 21st century civilised a bit for God's sake
c) go back and think..there is a high chance when u dun like wat u hear or see from ppl is tat it's the 'ugly' truth about it's high time to do some soul searching
Secondly, i would like to say tat this article is not directed to anyone i noe..if u feel tat it's directed to you, it's just a pure coincidence..cos there is no way it's directed to you since it's based on myself..if you do find this familiar, you should rejoice instead..cos u're not alone..
So, here goes the ride through the ugly side of human..(for the third time)
recent incidents happening around me kinda indicate tat most humans, if not all, actually enjoy using each other for various reasons(mostly selfish reasons)..basically, i myself noe of a few people of tat kind..everyone from all walks of life have, whether directly or indirectly, use another human being for their own advantages..remember the time u ask favours, be it small or big, from others?well, tat's the time when u join the 'club'..the club of using ppl..situations like this happen everyday..i bet many of u had/have/will use others for ur own purposes..if you beg to differ, all i can do is congratulate u for making into the list of 'ugly' humans..for telling such a 'beautiful' lie...(pls refer to The Ugly Side of Human (Part 1)
chronic 'users' only tok/phone/sms/email (in plain english contact) u when they need a favour from u..the favour range from wanting transportation from u to asking u to be their personal's ok if u ask favours from others, i mean who nv ask favours before?(i would be lying through my teeth if i say i haven)the fine line bet 'normal users' n 'abnormal users' is the ability to noe the's fine if u noe ur limits..but sadly, many ppl out there dun haf the basic instinct to noe the limits..
toking bout noe-ing limits, one shud really consider this when trying to criticise's ok to haf healthy comments bout others..but it gets nasty when u forget the limits..bottom line is dun ever think tat u are perfect..cos no one is in this world..always take a good look at urself before criticising others..stop saying others are stupid when u urself are NOT tat smart..if u really are, u wont be here wif me in the first place..u'll be six feet under ground, alongside wif Einstein..and to those of u out there who had been criticising me for is a lil advice for u:
a) even my parents dont mind..why should u??y bother urself wif my matters??dont u haf A LOT of things in hand??mayb u shud jus mind ur own business??if u are really tat free, mayb u can do wat Jasper suggested..get a spouse and haf 12 kids in a row..tat'll keep u busy both physically n mentally for good..
b) u r not as perfect as u think..true, there mayb some qualities in u which is better than mine..neverthelessly, according to bear:
in my opinion, "perfect" (I really mean perfect in every ways) people won't even discriminate others as they are already so perfect that they dun have any flaws at all! So, whoever you think is/are perfect here, is/are not perfect.
c) this is me..i like the way i am n would nv change for now cos i feel comfortable being the way i either u accept me, or jus get out of my life..cos u r definitely 'friends' who are not worth keeping..
I wonder why...I wonder why AA has plenty of comments even when her entries are predominantly made up of few short sentences... =p
ps:i plan to blog three entries at first..but somehow i guess i'll jus combine all three together to make a real LONG one..hope u enjoy leave a comment..badly needs them to soothe my nerves..hehehe =)