well this is going to be my longest blog ever..i hope..lots of things been wanting to say or write down but never got the chance esp now in sem 3..busy like hell..dun even haf time to breathe..wonder how the seniors survived..now finally got time to do wat i want..hehe..
well..since this is my first blog for this year, i think i would like to touch a few highlights of my life for last year..2004..hmm..beginning of last year..let's see..came to IMU..din noe ther were such thing call orientation..think i'm the only one who's so stupid enough not to noe about it..well, was quite glad to find out tat the orientation wasn't TAT bad after all..glad i went through it..hehe..now thinking back i kinda missed it..well next was the orphanage vusit we went..supposed to go every week..tat's wat they say lar..but u noe lar..hehe..went there once and tat's it..had great fun too..although all the kids are Indian (i'm NOT being racist here) and they (most of them at least) speaks Tamil..luckily there's Kalaivani to the rescue..hehe..then next would be the presentation of TAT particular visit..
next in the list should be the chinese singing competition..had great fun watching my frens sing..too bad i wasn't there during the finals..went to the semi-finals though..
hmm.then next should be the orientation of the bpharm..was a total failure i supposed..wat to do..u'll always need two hands to clap..was very happy bout semester 2 timetable..compared to semester 1 & 3 it was MUCH better..totally like nothing to do..one thing i hate is to having to go for malay n english class..not tat i hate english tat much but having to wake up EARLY just to attend a class is definitely not in my way of life, if i could help it..
on the whole both the english and malay classes was GREAT in a way..to destress urself i guess..but i was having great difficulty in malay class..sigh..kan dah lama tak guna..manalah ingat..kalau nak bahasa pasar bolehlah aku pass..tapi sekarang nak bahasa standard..matilah aku..even when i took my SPM essay to hand in when the lecturer told us to hand in one as homework, the lecturer say the essay was not done by me..sigh..u see how poor my malay standard has gone to..was damn happy bout the english project i did with joyce, elyne and chee mun..hehe..felt tat it was the best in the class..hehe..
well..this semester did a lot of project..was damn glad i was in the group for physio project..everyone contributed and there was no one who did NOTHING..which was a BIG deal..cos from my past experience, i've never come across to a group where everyone did at least something..damn happy man..
well another worth to mention project which is my foundation pharmacy project - glaucoma..i often felt tat by the time i finish doing tat project i'll be getting glaucoma..well..enuff of the ups..now for the downs..actually only one down lar..
so far i would say tat my life in IMU was a happy one cos the ups is always more than the downs..hehe..well, it was during semester 2 i kinda drift away from someone who got VERY VERY CLOSE to me..the reason?well, if u really wish to noe, come to see me PERSONALLY..hehe..cos i dun think i shud be publishing my private life here..esp when it concerned about others..dunno whether was a good thing o not..but it really hit me HARD..i always like to think about it as a blessing in disguise..hehe..watever it is one thing that's for sure-it's God's way of challenging me..cheem har?maybe..i din get thru this obstacle of my life(i consider it a major one) ALONE..tat's for sure..thank God i haf very good frens who always stand by me..whom i noe will ALWAYS be there when i need them..who will never leave me for wat-so-ever reasons..thanks to them(u noe who u are..if u need clarification, u can always come to me..hehe..but i'm pretty sure u guys noe who u are..and rest assure i will always be there for u..)i manage to go through this period of time i would rather forget..they let me noe in their own way tat i'll never be alone..
well..i guess tat's all bout my first year in IMU..i shud be getting to write about the beginning of Sem 3..dun be so impatient..think i'll add a few words as to the period of time in between semester 2 and semester 3..the time when i seem to 'disappear'..for those who din noe (but i guess most of u close to me would haf heard bout it either from the horse mouth or from somewhere else), i went to melbourne for holidays during this break..was a great holiday..hehe..had great fun..din really believe i actually went there..would love to post some pics one..but too bad lar..i seriously is a computer idiot..how i manage to blog i oso dunno..so LAI ELYNE, if u're reading this..teach me how to post my pics..hehe..thanks..
hmm..not going to elaborte about it lar..cos it would take forever to finish..jus wanna let those of u who tried to sms me o call me during tat time but couldn't get any reply that i went elsewhere for holiday..hehe..
well..beginning of semester 3..the microbiology lab..wat else..hmm..then next shud me my mum n sis came to kl..went for shopping spree..hehe..damn happy..bought plenty of stuff..hehe..now moving on..tat will be xmas eve and xmas day..spend my festive season wif family..din stay at home though..went out wif bro n sis n bro's frens..damn fun..
on xmas day, dad brought us all the way to kota tinggi for my so-called brunch..ate seafood..damn nice..missed the food now..sigh dunno when only can go there again..well..last but not least..new year eve..hehe..stayed at home..yup..u guessed it..spend it wif family!!yay!!but this time, i got drunk..dun ask me how..somehow i drank too much..got drunk at ard 11.30pm..not even new year yet..hehe..hmm..tat's all for now..very long ad wor..hehe..